gather customer feedback

10 Ways to Gather Customer Feedback




Reading time: 8 minutes

Did you know that 86% of customers are willing to pay more for a better customer experience? 

In today’s competitive business landscape, understanding your customers’ needs and preferences has never been more critical. Gathering customer feedback not only helps you enhance your products and services but also cultivates strong and loyal customer relationships.

According to research, 77% of customers view brands more favorably if they seek out and act upon clients’ feedback.

In this article, we will explore ten ways to gather feedback, equipping you with data-driven insights to drive your business forward.

From simple yet effective methods to leveraging cutting-edge technologies, let’s dive in and discover the ten indispensable ways to gather customer feedback that will fuel your business success.

What is customer feedback?

Customer feedback refers to the information, opinions, and insights provided by customers about their experiences with a product, service, or brand.

It is a valuable resource that businesses use to understand how customers perceive their offerings and to gain insights into customer preferences, satisfaction levels, and expectations.

Why is customer feedback important?

Feedback is essential for businesses as it provides valuable insights into buyers’ preferences, satisfaction levels, and areas for improvement. Here are some statistics that highlight the importance of customer feedback:

  • Customer retention: According to a study by Bain & Company, increasing customer retention rates by just 5% can lead to an increase in profits ranging from 25% to 95%. By actively seeking and addressing feedback, businesses can identify and rectify issues that may be impacting customer loyalty and retention.
  • Purchase influence: Research conducted by BrightLocal reveals that 85% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. Positive feedback acts as social proof, influencing potential customers’ purchasing decisions and enhancing brand credibility.
  • Product improvement: A survey by Microsoft found that 96% of customers say that customer service plays a crucial role in their choice of loyalty to a brand. By collecting feedback, businesses gain insights into product performance, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to enhance their offerings.
  • Competitive advantage: According to a survey by Deloitte, 62% of companies view customer experience delivered through feedback as a competitive differentiator. By consistently gathering clients’ opinions and acting upon it, businesses can stay ahead of competitors, meet evolving customer needs, and deliver exceptional experiences.
  • Customer satisfaction: A study by Esteban Kolsky reveals that 72% of customers share a positive experience with 6 or more people. Conversely, dissatisfied customers are more likely to share their negative experiences with others. By actively seeking feedback, businesses can address customer concerns, enhance satisfaction levels, and generate positive word-of-mouth referrals.
  • Product innovation: Reviews serve as a rich source of ideas for product innovation. According to Salesforce, 59% of customers believe that tailored engagement based on past interactions is essential to winning their business. By listening to customer take, businesses can identify emerging trends, preferences, and unmet needs, driving innovation and staying relevant in the market.
  • Brand loyalty: A survey by Temkin Group found that customers who provide feedback and receive a response are 44% more likely to remain loyal to a brand. By actively engaging with customers and demonstrating that their feedback is valued, businesses can foster strong customer relationships, increase loyalty, and encourage repeat purchases.
Why is customer feedback important?

Methods for Collecting Customer Feedback

From traditional approaches to leveraging the power of technology, these collecting customer feedback methods will help you harness the voice of your clients and drive your business towards new heights:

Online Reviews and Ratings

Online reviews and ratings is probably the best way to gather user feedback. They provide a platform for customers to share their experiences and opinions about a product or service.

Monitoring popular review platforms, such as Yelp, Shopify Google Reviews, or industry-specific sites, allows businesses to gather user feedback.

Analyzing review trends and responding to customer reviews can help identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.

💡 To advance the product reviews and ratings functionality on Shopify, see Webtex.


Surveys are a popular and versatile method to gather feedback.

They can be conducted through online forms, email questionnaires, or even in-person interviews.

Surveys allow businesses to ask specific questions about customer satisfaction, product preferences, or suggestions for improvement.

The key to effective surveys is to keep them concise, use a mix of question types, and provide options for both quantitative and qualitative responses.

Customer Interviews

Conducting one-on-one interviews with customers provides an opportunity for in-depth conversations and valuable insights.

These interviews can be done in person, over the phone, or through video calls.

By asking open-ended questions and actively listening to customers’ stories, businesses can uncover nuanced feedback, understand customer motivations, and identify pain points.

Focus Groups

Focus groups bring together a small group of customers who represent the target market. 

Facilitated by a moderator, these interactive sessions encourage participants to share their opinions, discuss experiences, and provide feedback on specific products or services.

Focus groups allow businesses to gain rich qualitative insights, observe group dynamics, and uncover emerging trends or ideas.

Social Media Listening

Social media platforms offer a wealth of insights. By monitoring brand mentions, comments, and direct messages, businesses can collect customer feedback in real-time and engage in conversations with their customers.

Social media listening tools can help track brand sentiment, identify customer pain points, and spot opportunities for improvement.

Website Analytics

Website analytics provide valuable quantitative data on customer behavior and preferences. 

By analyzing metrics like page views, bounce rates, and conversion rates, businesses can gain insights into customer preferences, identify areas of improvement, and optimize their website experience. Tools like Google Analytics offer comprehensive data to drive data-driven decision-making.

Customer Feedback Forms

Implementing dedicated forms on websites or within product interfaces allows customers to provide opinions directly.

These forms can include specific questions about the user experience, feature requests, or general comments. By making the feedback process easy and accessible, businesses can encourage customers to share their thoughts and suggestions.

Net Promoter Score (NPS) Surveys

NPS surveys measure customer loyalty and satisfaction by asking customers to rate their likelihood of recommending the business to others.

Respondents are categorized as promoters, passives, or detractors. NPS surveys provide a simple and effective way to gauge customer sentiment and identify areas where improvements are needed to enhance customer loyalty.

Customer Journey Mapping

Customer journey mapping involves visualizing and analyzing the various touchpoints and interactions a customer has with a business.

By understanding the customer’s experience from their perspective, businesses can identify pain points, moments of delight, and areas for improvement.

Feedback gathered through this process helps shape the customer journey, leading to enhanced experiences.

Usability Testing

Conduct usability testing to gather your feedback on the user-friendliness and functionality of your products or website.

Observing customers as they navigate through your platform can reveal pain points, usability issues, and areas where improvements are needed.

Capture their feedback and make iterative enhancements to optimize the user experience.

5 Customer Feedback Form Examples

To gather actionable insights, businesses need effective customer feedback forms that engage customers and encourage them to share their opinions. Here’re some examples:

Example #1: Net Promoter Score (NPS) Survey

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey is a popular example used to measure customer loyalty.

It asks customers to rate, on a scale of 0-10, how likely they are to recommend the business to others. Based on their responses, customers are segmented into promoters, passives, or detractors.

The NPS survey provides a simple yet powerful metric for assessing overall customer satisfaction and loyalty, allowing businesses to identify areas for improvement and prioritize actions to turn customers into brand advocates.

Example #2: Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) Survey

The Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) survey is designed to gauge customers’ satisfaction with specific products, services, or interactions.

It typically includes rating scales or multiple-choice questions that ask clients to evaluate their level of satisfaction.

CSAT surveys provide businesses with valuable feedback from your customers on various touchpoints, enabling them to measure and track buyer satisfaction over time.

By identifying areas of strength and weakness, businesses can make informed decisions to enhance customer experiences and drive loyalty.

Example #3: Customer Effort Score (CES) Survey

The Customer Effort Score (CES) survey is one of customer feedback form examples. It measures the ease of a client’s experience when interacting with a product, service, or support.

It focuses on evaluating the effort buyers had to exert to achieve their goals. CES surveys often use statements or rating scales to gauge customers’ agreement or disagreement with statements related to ease of use, problem resolution, or navigation.

By understanding the level of effort required, businesses can identify pain points and streamline processes to improve customer satisfaction and reduce customer churn.

Example #4: Post-Purchase Survey

Post-purchase surveys are sent after buyers have completed a transaction and provide valuable insights into the client’s overall purchase experience.

These surveys typically include questions about the ordering process, delivery experience, product quality, and customer service interactions. Post-purchase surveys allow businesses to gather feedback on specific touchpoints of the customer journey and identify areas for improvement.

By addressing any issues promptly and effectively, businesses can enhance customer satisfaction, build trust, and encourage repeat purchases.

Example #5: Website Feedback Form

A website feedback form enables businesses to collect valuable insights on the user experience of their website.

These forms often appear as pop-ups or sidebars and invite clients to share their thoughts on website design, ease of navigation, content relevance, and any technical issues encountered.

Website feedback forms help businesses understand how customers interact with their online presence and uncover opportunities to optimize user experience, improve conversion rates, and drive customer engagement.


Collecting customer feedback is a vital component of any successful business strategy.

By implementing these ten methods to customer feedback gathering, you can unlock valuable insights, improve your products and services, and foster stronger relationships with your shoppers.

Remember, it is not just a one-time activity but an ongoing process that requires consistent effort and active listening.

Now that you know how to collect customer feedback effectively, you can drive innovation, enhance customer experiences, and stay ahead of the competition.

By making clients’ insights a priority, you demonstrate your commitment to delivering exceptional value and ensuring customer satisfaction, ultimately leading to long-term business success.

FAQ: How to Gather Customer Feedback

What methods would you use to gather customer feedback?

To collect reviews, businesses can utilize a variety of methods, including surveys, interviews, focus groups, online reviews and ratings, and customer support interactions.

Each method offers a unique approach to gathering valuable insights from customers, allowing businesses to understand their preferences, satisfaction levels, and areas for improvement.

By employing multiple methods, businesses can gather a comprehensive range of feedback that helps shape their strategies, enhance their products or services, and foster strong customer relationships.

How do I get customer feedback on UX?

To gather opinions on UX, you can use various methods, including user testing, surveys and questionnaires, feedback forms, analytics and heatmaps, and customer support interactions.

These methods provide valuable insights into user perceptions, pain points, and areas for improvement in the user experience.

By combining these approaches, businesses can gather comprehensive feedback from their customers, allowing them to make data-driven decisions, optimize UX design, and enhance customer satisfaction.

How do you track customer feedback?

To track customer feedback, you can:

  • Centralize feedback channels
  • Categorize and tag feedback
  • Use feedback management software
  • Collect customer feedback using social media
  • Analyze customer support interactions
  • Set up alerts and notifications
  • Create a feedback dashboard
  • Conduct regular reporting and analysis

What are the types of customer feedback?

The types of customer feedback include: product feedback, service feedback, user experience (UX) feedback, pricing feedback, website feedback, delivery feedback, brand perception feedback, competitive comparison feedback, suggestions and ideas, overall satisfaction feedback.

What is a customer feedback tool?

Webtex is an example of a customer feedback tool for Shopify that enables businesses to effectively gather and manage clients’ insights. It provides a range of features to streamline the feedback collection process and gain valuable insights. With Webtex, businesses can create customized surveys and feedback forms to collect feedback from customers.

HThe tool offers various channels for reviews collection.

Webtex also provides analytics and reporting capabilities, allowing businesses to analyze the feedback data and gain actionable insights.

What are the 5 steps of feedback?

The five steps of feedback are as follows:

  1. Observation: Observing the behavior, performance, or interaction that you want to provide reviews on.
  2. Specificity: Being specific and clear about what you are providing opinion on, focusing on particular actions or behaviors.
  3. Delivery: Communicating the opinion in a constructive and respectful manner, using clear and concise language.
  4. Receptivity: Ensuring that the recipient of the feedback is receptive and open to receiving it, creating a safe and non-threatening environment for discussion.
  5. Follow-up: Following up on the feedback by discussing any necessary actions, providing support or resources if needed, and tracking progress or improvement over time.

What is a customer feedback technique?

A customer feedback technique is a specific method or approach used to gather reviews from customers about their experiences, preferences, and opinions.

These techniques are designed to elicit valuable insights that can be used to improve products, services, and overall customer experiences.

Some common techniques include surveys, interviews, focus groups, usability testing, user-generated content marketing, social media monitoring, and feedback forms.

Each technique has its own advantages and is suited for different purposes, allowing businesses to gain a deeper understanding of their customers and make informed decisions based on their reviews.

Helena Jantsen is an independent data-driven content writer with over 5 years of experience in creating quality content for product and SAAS companies. She does her best to combine words and strategy for startups, B2B and B2C businesses, and has over several hundreds of published articles under her belt.


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